
Acne is one of the most common skin conditions treated by a dermatologist. Acne is a skin condition problem affecting teenagers going through puberty, but it can affect adults too. Our dermatologist Dr. Uyen Ngoc Mui at Dermatology Associates of Katy, PLLC in Katy, TX can help you if you are dealing with acne.

What Causes Acne?

Acne is typically caused by debris, excess oil, and dirt clogging your pores. Other causes of acne include diet, genetic factors, and hormonal changes.

Types of Acne

There are several types of acne blemishes. The most common types of acne are blackheads, whiteheads, and painful cystic acne.

Acne Treatment Options

Over-the-counter acne products often have chemicals and abrasive agents which can irritate your skin. A better solution to troublesome acne is to visit your dermatologist, who may recommend:

Prescription topical or oral antibiotics to kill the underlying bacteria causing an infection in your pores. This is an excellent solution for cystic acne.

Benzoyl peroxide products to unblock clogged pores. This treatment is a great choice to treat blackheads and whiteheads.

Tretinoin medications to clear pores. Tretinoin is often recommended for severe cases of acne.

Laser therapy to kill underlying bacteria causing the skin infection.

Extraction treatment to entirely remove blackheads and whiteheads.

What You Can Do To Prevent Acne

There are some simple tips you can follow to help prevent acne breakouts. You should:

  • Exercise regularly to remove toxins and dirt from your body
  • Practice stress reduction techniques to reduce acne breakouts
  • Limit or eliminate greasy foods, soda, and dairy from your diet
  • Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily to flush toxins from your body
  • Clean and disinfect your cell phone regularly to prevent toxins from transferring to your face
  • Use non-comedogenic makeup to prevent pore blockage
  • Change your pillowcase at least once each week to help keep your face clean
  • Avoid touching your face to limit transferring bacteria and dirt onto your face
  • Always clean your face before going to bed

Want To Learn More?

To learn more about the prevention and treatment of acne, talk with an expert-our dermatologist. Call Dr. Uyen Ngoc Mui at Dermatology Associates of Katy, PLLC in Katy, TX. You can reach her in the office by calling (281) 400-1224, so call today.

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